How to Save Money on Electric Bills in Summer in 2024

How to Save Money on Electric Bills in Summer in 2024
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Introduction to Save Money on Electric Bills in Summer

Do you dread summer days thinking about how much your electricity bill will skyrocket? With the summer heat, using air conditioners and fans can make an unwelcome dent in your wallet. You’re not alone! It is possible to save on your electric bills in summer while still feeling comfortable in the warmth and humidity.

In this blog post, I’ll explain why energy costs tend to rise during these hot months and tips on quick and easy ways on how to save money on electric bills in summer.  

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an energy efficient light bulb and electric bill with the title, "14 ways: Save on Electric Bills

1) Conduct a Home Energy Audit

The best way to begin saving on your energy bills is by conducting an energy audit of your home before implementing any cost-saving measures.

 An energy audit is a detailed assessment that identifies the areas where most energy consumption occurs. It can help you pinpoint which appliances or systems use the most electricity and how much they contribute to your overall bill.

Tips on performing an energy audit at home

  • Find spots where air might escape, like windows and doors, to locate potential leaks. Use calking or weather stripping to seal any gaps or cracks.
  • Inspect the insulation levels in your attic, walls, and floors for optimal efficiency. Adequate insulation can help reduce the amount of energy needed to cool your home.
  • Examine the age and condition of your appliances. Older appliances tend to use more energy and may need to be replaced with energy-efficient models.
  • Check to see if the air filter in your air conditioning unit needs to be changed. A dirty filter can hinder the unit’s efficiency, causing it to use more energy.
some one is looking at an air conditioner filter - how to save money on electric bills

Identifying areas of energy wastage

After an energy audit, list areas to save energy and reduce your energy bills. Some common culprits include:

  • appliances and electronics left on standby mode when not in use
  • Using old, inefficient appliances that consume more electricity than newer models
  • Keeping lights on in empty rooms or using high-wattage bulbs unnecessarily

2) Adjusting the Thermostat

Adjusting your thermostat can make a big difference in energy savings. By simply adjusting the thermostat setting a few degrees, you can save both energy and money.

For instance, according to the US Department of Energy, lowering the thermostat by 7-10 degrees Fahrenheit for 8 hours can save you up to 10% on your summer energy bills, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. 

3) Smart Thermostats: A Game Changer

Smart thermostats are revolutionizing how we manage our home’s temperature and energy use. These advanced devices offer unparalleled control over your heating and cooling systems, often accessible right from your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Unlike traditional thermostats, a smart thermostat will learn your schedule and temperature preferences, automatically adjusting your home’s climate to optimize comfort and energy efficiency. Using a smart thermostat is another way how to save money on electric bills in summer.

4) Use Ceiling Fans and Portable Fans

If you want to save on your energy bill this summer, consider using a ceiling fan and portable fans instead of blasting the air conditioner.

With fans, you can create a comfortable breeze that can trick your body into feeling cooler without lowering the temperature. Fans use a fraction of the electricity that air conditioning does.

A mother is using a fan to cool off her daughter - how to save money on electric bills in summer.

5) Use a Clothesline

Using a clothesline can save money you would have spent on running your clothes dryer. It is also a practical way to save on your electric bill and a great way to get your laundry done while enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

Clothes on a clothesline are blowing in the breeze - how to save money on electric bills in summer.

Related post: How to Save Money on Laundry in 2024

6) Using Natural Light

Using direct sunlight instead of turning on lights saves energy and provides a more comfortable atmosphere. Natural light boosts mood and productivity, making it the perfect replacement for harsh, artificial lighting.

7) Turning Off Appliances and Electronics

Did you know that leaving your small appliances and electronics on standby mode can still use up to 10% of electricity? That may seem like a small amount, but over time, it can increase and result in higher energy bills.

Turning off appliances and electronics when not in use and unplugging electronics can prevent the consumption of “vampire” energy. Vampire energy is the electricity that devices use even when they are off.

Here’s an idea: Use a power strip to easily turn off multiple devices simultaneously, cutting off their power completely when not in use.

A power strip - how to save money on electric bills in summer.

8) Use the Cold Water Setting

Did you know that using the cold water setting on your clothes washer is how to save money on electric bills in summer? Many people believe that hot water is necessary to keep clothes clean, but that’s not the case.

Using the cold water setting not only helps conserve energy but can also help prevent fading and shrinking.

9) Doing Laundry and Running the Dishwasher at Night

Many utility companies offer lower energy prices during off-peak hours, typically between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. You could cut monthly utility bills costs if you can do your laundry or run the dishwasher during these hours. Call your local utility provider to find out what their off-peak rates are.

Doing a full load ensures you make the most efficient use of your appliances. Whether it’s the dishwasher or the washing machine, operating at full capacity means fewer cycles over time, extending the life of your appliances and conserving water and electricity. 

Remember to clean your lint filter. A clogged lint filter can make your dryer work harder and use more electricity. Cleaning it regularly also helps prevent a fire hazard.

a woman is pushing buttons on a washing machine - how to save money on electric bills in summer

Tips for Improving Energy Efficiency

There are several ways to get started to improve energy efficiency in your home. Some easy energy-saving ideas are addressing air leaks and considering energy-saving light bulbs and appliances.

10) Sealing Air Leaks

Sealing leaks in your home is a quick and effective way to save on energy costs. These leaks can be found in different areas of your home, such as doors, windows, and electrical outlets.

They let hot air in during the summer months and cool air in during the winter months, making it harder for heating or cooling systems to regulate your home’s temperature. Sealing these leaks can help you make your home more energy-efficient and reduce your electric expenses.

someone is calking a window air leak - saving money on electric bills

11) Window Coverings

Installing window coverings can be an easy and affordable way to update the look and feel of a room. Whether you’re looking for privacy, light control, or just trying to enhance the aesthetics of a space, window coverings offer a wide range of options.

Window coverings are an easy way to help conserve energy by blocking out the sun’s heat in the summer and keeping warm air inside in the colder months. This can save you money on your power bill and provide a more comfortable environment for everyone in your home.

12) Use Energy-efficient Light Bulbs

One simple yet effective way to make a difference in your summer electric bill is by switching out incandescent bulbs for energy-efficient ones. Not only is less energy consumed, but you’ll save on your electricity bills, but they also last longer than conventional bulbs.

13) Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Appliances

Energy-saving appliances consume less energy. They also perform better than their less efficient counterparts.

Switching to energy-efficient appliances may require an initial investment, but the long-term savings are undeniable. Before purchasing, be sure to check that they are Energy Star certified to ensure that you’re getting the most energy-saving option.

14) Installing a Programmable Thermostat

Installing a thermostat that you can program is a smart move for any home. These devices help save money and energy by automatically adjusting the temperature throughout the day, meaning you won’t have to remember to do it.

You’ll enjoy a more efficient and cost-effective HVAC system with just a few simple steps.

A thermostat - how to save money on electric bills in summer.

Conclusion on How to Save Money on Electric Bills in Summer

With the summer months quickly approaching, it’s important to start making small changes to help save energy and reduce your summer electricity bills.

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a woman is scratching her head while looking at a paper next to electric meters with the title, "14 ways to save on electric bills this summer: Do you dread summer thinking about how much your electric bills will skyrocket?"

Some great tips for reducing energy usage include adjusting your thermostat and turning off or unplugging appliances and electronics that you aren’t using. Also, doing laundry and using the dishwasher at night can make a big difference.

Additionally, getting energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances and purchasing a thermostat that you can program are other ways to save costs.

By following these tips and making a few small changes, you will now know how to save money on electric bills in summer and make your home more energy-efficient. So, start making a difference today—even small steps can have a big impact!


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      1. Rates, like usage, affect costs. In Manhattan, elec. in my 500 sq foot apartment cost almost as much as my 5 x larger home in Florida. Of course the NYC place was 100 years old and probably uninsulated.

        1. Thanks, Haley! I’m so happy that you will be able to use the ideas to save money on your electric bills!

      2. Thanks for the tips, really taking note to quite a few of these as I’ve had a recent spike in electric bills ever since having an EV charger installed at my home for an electric vehicle. Between the gas money I’m saving and cutting back on some energy costs you’re detailing here, feeling pretty good towards some net positive cash flow

        1. Awesome, Ben! I’m glad you found the post’s ideas useful toward a plan to cut your electric bills!

      3. Oh my goodness, so good to read some ideas to lower electricity bills in summer. Most welcome. Thanks for sharing!

        1. Yeah, I used to live in South Florida – AC is a requirement if you want any quality of life. And with that is higher bills in summer, but not so much in winter.

      4. One of the most surprising things I found out many years ago is that leaving your coffee machine on just to keep the coffee warm wastes a LOT of energy! My coffee machine was pulling 1000 Watts when I measured it…over a few hours each day, this can easily add up. Many machines got smarter since then, but it was an eye-opening moment for me as I grew up. Some things hide in plain sight.

        1. That makes sense that it would add up in electricity costs because it’s something that’s staying warm. I wonder how many coffee machines still waste a lot of energy today.

      5. Love how this blog post gets straight to the point! Summer bills can be a real headache with all that AC use. But knowing there are simple ways to save on electricity while staying cool is a game-changer. Can’t wait to dive into these tips and keep my wallet happy during the summer heat!

        1. I’m glad you found the post helpful, Ann! I hope the ideas save you money on your electric bills this summer.

      6. Drapes are such a great way to keep out the heat. We have blackout curtains because our windows are too bright. BUT we realized that they also keep out heat as well as the sun.

      7. Smart thermostats are really a game changer. Our electrical bills went sky high in the past few months, so this article will come in handy. Thanks for sharing. You have been very helpful.

        1. You’re welcome, Pedja! I’m so glad you’ve found the post to be helpful toward lowering your electric bill!

      8. What a great informative post. I’m all for saving money and these tips really do help. For us we have had an Energy Audit just this year and my bill has decreased a lot.

      9. This is great advice! I barely turn on the lights in the summer, because we get so much bright, natural light and the days are nice and long in the summer months, too.

      10. I definitely need to do one of those home energy audits. I feel like I could cut down on a lot of bills that way!

        1. I used to live in S. Florida, Richard! I will NEVER forget how hot and humid it gets there!

      11. I did not realize leaving your small appliances and electronics on standby mode can still use up to 10% of electricity, which is high. And then at night usage. Sounds awesome

      12. This is very important in today. This summer is very hard that all of the air conditioners or electric fan are all open because it is super hot. Thanks for this tips.

      13. The ceiling fan is a great suggestion. Ours saves us a ton of money and living where it’s hot year round, we have to be careful with our electric consumption. The bill can get high fast.

        1. Yes, I remember how fast those bills pile up because I used to live in S. Florida, Rosey.

      14. These are great ideas! I’ve never conducted a home audit, but I see that I need to! Thank you for sharing these tips!

      15. Thank you for this great introduction on how to save money on electricity during the summer. You gave so many helpful ideas, and they are very actionable. I appreciate the suggestions!

      16. These are such easy and fast ways to reduce my electric bills this summer to stay cool and sane. I switched to the cold water setting on my clothes washing cycle and happy it doesn’t affect the cleaning process.

        1. Yes, Debbie, I was amazed that using cold water had no affect on how clean the clothes came out.

      17. Thanks for sharing these tips!

        By the way! Did you know duct leaks can account for 20% to 30% of your energy consumption in summer? This is because cooled air escapes through the leaks, making your system work harder. Look for signs like stuffy rooms, difficulty cooling certain areas, and higher energy bills. If you notice these issues, it means your ducts may need sealing and insulation.

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