Follow the advice of a seasoned stay-at-home mom of 9 children to learn how to be frugal, organized, and manage
your family's money with ease...

Hello there, I'm Catherine!

My mission is to empower stay-at-home moms and their families with practical and creative strategies for living a frugal and fulfilling life.

I strive to provide valuable resources, tips, and inspiration to help moms save money, manage their finances, and make the most of their time at home and kitchen, while fostering strong family bonds.

Catherine, founder of Frugal Nook

What is Frugal Nook?

My blog, Frugal Nook, serves as both a record of my final years as a stay-at-home mom and a place, a "little nook", to exchange my insights on living frugally, money management, meal organization and family.

With over three decades of experience as a stay-at-home mom to nine children, I aim for transparency in my posts. I openly share the valuable lessons I've learned, shedding light on effective strategies and offering guidance to my readers.

At the heart of Frugal Nook is the belief that family is the cornerstone of a fulfilling life. I understand the importance of prioritizing family while living within a budget. Through my blog, I provide practical tips and inspiration to help moms strike a harmonious balance between their financial goals and creating cherished moments with their loved ones.

Financial challenges are all too common for stay-at-home mothers, and I'm here to help. In my blog, I offer a wealth of frugal living ideas and suggestions to help overcome these obstacles.

Meal organization is another focus of Frugal Nook. I know how important nourishing our families with wholesome meals are while staying within a budget. I provide practical tips and meal planning techniques that save both time and money.

Join me on the frugal living journey as we delve into money management, uncover creative ways to save, master the art of efficient meal planning, and strengthen the bonds within our families. Frugal Nook is a place where you can find inspiration,  for living a more frugal and freer life.                                                                                                 

In my blog, you’ll find posts on:

How to Save Money and Be More Thrifty

tips & tricks to cut expenses to stretch your budget

Working at Home

tips for working at home and taking care of your family

Canning and Dehydrating

save money and enjoy home-made, pantry staples

Organizing and Meal Planning

effective organization strategies and practical meal planning tips


a treasure trove of downloadable resources to simplify your frugal journey


nutritious and budget friendly recipes your family will love

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